If you’re familiar with art in any sense or not, there is always a tools of the trade choice for an artist, you might be using oil, spray paint, squeezer, acrylics or any other tool. – In this case, It seems there’s not so many rules that can limit S.Riley approach with his art. What captured my interest for his choices was his way of using old 90’s technology to create art sets – In this specific case he combined and used a Gameboy Color with a broken Mitsubishi TV for his Nostalgia Project.
Things like this for me is where art gets interesting, it creates a feeling of ‘He is breaking the rules’ of how it should be created. In previous projects we can see him doing both canvas and adding stuff to the set to give the audience something new to feel and see, which makes his art to truly stand out.

As you can see in his jacket here he mix art with real life objects in daily life to create a feeling and go out of the boundries to create something unique & new. AKIRA & TOKYO GHOUL inspired Jean Jacket I created for my son who is an anime fanatic.
It was a celebration of past and present anime. The appreciation of two cult classics, From my generation to his.
S.Riley was born and raised in the city of London. On the south side of the river. Raised in a household of creatives became an inherent catalyst for his journey in art. His mother use to sing backing vocals for jazz musicians and his father being a passionate reggae DJ and percussionist spawned his interest in music from an early age.
His brother was the artist of the family. Creating fantasy and comic driven illustrations to tell outlandish yet incredible stories. These direct influences where the building blocks to his life. Past present and future.
Now residing in North London. He has raised a family of his own. Becoming a father of three sons. The creations you see before you. Were created in his art studio based in Archway, North London. A place he calls “an intimate time capsule”. A place to escape, embrace and be free. He is currently working on two new art series. ‘Man vs Machine’. Displaying work that best describes our continual love hate relationship with technology and how it influences human behaviour. ‘Source Of Nostalgia’. This series takes you on a journey back to when things where simplified. ‘Our youth’. Before we discovered self hatred, doubt and insecurities. Our troubles dissolved at the push of a button on the remote control or the turn of a page of your favourite magazine or comic. That feeling of nostalgia has a close relationship with escapism.

S.Riley has delivered the first of three short films he has written and co-directed. Searching for Utopia. Currently doing rounds on the film festival circuit and due for release later this year which has seen him collect his first award as winner of “Best Director of Experimental Short Film’ at the Europe Film Festival. S.Riley has an eidetic memory when reflecting upon his childhood. Which subsequently designed the foundation for Riley’s Artistic direction. His work contains nostalgic memories of his past whilst expressing his interests in technology and how this relationship effects the human condition.

Make sure to follow S. Riley journey on social media.
Co-director @lewilondon
Actors: Billy X / @nelmariepatra
Engineer: @beatsbysource
Best Director In Experimental Film Award 🏆 At @europeff